Hi!As some of you may or may not know the time has come for deleting my other web www.bebe12.weebly.com I will give you a decision of not deleting it or deleting it,Your choice?

6/2/2009 07:48:16 am

It is a very very good web! But you know its hard controlling two webs. You should only keep this one. Add some things from there here.

6/9/2009 11:33:31 pm

IDK- like Julia said- it is hard having two websites!!!! I think you should delte the one that is the least popular!!

6/9/2009 11:35:31 pm

OHH- I got an idea! Maybe you can ask someone without a web that spends alot of time on the computer to like update the other website! You tell her what things to put and then she does it (if she doesn't, slam her phone on the ground and say "YOU'RE FIRED, AND MY PHONE IS NICER THAN YOURS!"


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